Recycling in Crawford County
Items accepted free:
Plastics- #1 through #7 containers, rinsed (bag plastics are NOT accepted)
Plastic 6 pack rings
Aluminum cans
Aluminum foil, pie plates, etc.
Tin cans, rinsed (any steel can such as soup, etc.)
Glass bottles and jars, rinsed (clear, green and brown)
Newspapers- dry and bundled with twine or in plastic feed sacks
Paperboard- (cardboard such as cereal boxes) MUST be flattened
Cardboard-corrugated (not waxed) MUST be flattened
Batteries- clean and dry (any household, car, mower, etc, includes rechargeable)
Cell phones
Ink cartridges
Mercury (includes fluorescent bulbs, fever thermometers, etc.)
Fluorescent light bulbs
Motor Oil
Oil Filters
Household Hazardous Waste- (HHW) - take to the Marengo Site (such as old paint thinner, sprays, etc.)
Small Electronics- (games, dvd players, etc.) Fees may apply to larger items- see below.
Small Appliances- (coffee pots, vacuum cleaners- anything with a plug!) Fees may apply to larger items- see below.
Scrap Metal:
Metal scrap or items may be disposed of at the metal dumpster at the Marengo Site at no charge, with permission from the site coordinator. Wire or fencing is not accepted. The Marengo site coordinator MUST see your items before you dump them.
Items requiring a small fee:
Air Conditioners, Refrigerators, Freezers, $10 (accepted only at Marengo Site)
Other Appliances $5 - water heaters, stoves, washers, etc. (accepted only at Marengo Site)
Tires $1.25 for a car tire. $1.50 for light truck/SUV tire. On the rim is double.
For larger tires, prices vary. 1-4 tires accepted at any site.
(Please take large tires and large amounts of tires to Marengo Site.)
Computers, Monitors, Printers $5 each (accepted at any site)
TV's- $5, Large screen and cabinet style- $10
Plastics- #1 through #7 containers, rinsed (bag plastics are NOT accepted)
Plastic 6 pack rings
Aluminum cans
Aluminum foil, pie plates, etc.
Tin cans, rinsed (any steel can such as soup, etc.)
Glass bottles and jars, rinsed (clear, green and brown)
Newspapers- dry and bundled with twine or in plastic feed sacks
Paperboard- (cardboard such as cereal boxes) MUST be flattened
Cardboard-corrugated (not waxed) MUST be flattened
Batteries- clean and dry (any household, car, mower, etc, includes rechargeable)
Cell phones
Ink cartridges
Mercury (includes fluorescent bulbs, fever thermometers, etc.)
Fluorescent light bulbs
Motor Oil
Oil Filters
Household Hazardous Waste- (HHW) - take to the Marengo Site (such as old paint thinner, sprays, etc.)
Small Electronics- (games, dvd players, etc.) Fees may apply to larger items- see below.
Small Appliances- (coffee pots, vacuum cleaners- anything with a plug!) Fees may apply to larger items- see below.
Scrap Metal:
Metal scrap or items may be disposed of at the metal dumpster at the Marengo Site at no charge, with permission from the site coordinator. Wire or fencing is not accepted. The Marengo site coordinator MUST see your items before you dump them.
Items requiring a small fee:
Air Conditioners, Refrigerators, Freezers, $10 (accepted only at Marengo Site)
Other Appliances $5 - water heaters, stoves, washers, etc. (accepted only at Marengo Site)
Tires $1.25 for a car tire. $1.50 for light truck/SUV tire. On the rim is double.
For larger tires, prices vary. 1-4 tires accepted at any site.
(Please take large tires and large amounts of tires to Marengo Site.)
Computers, Monitors, Printers $5 each (accepted at any site)
TV's- $5, Large screen and cabinet style- $10